Sabtu, 30 April 2016

Dongeng binatang bilingual

        Snuggly Bunny shaking her tail. She Hopping around the yard, and play with the muckey puppy. They Jumping to a mud swamp, making they're fur dirty.

       Above the hill, Cuddly Kitten, watching them alone. She want to join up, and play with them. But  she to shy for asking. 

       The Muckey Puppy, know that Cuddly kitten want to join up. So, he crush her a bruptly. Cuddly kitten, who surprise, punching Muckey Puppy. And The Snuggly Bunny Jumping above them. Then They all playing around, untill the sun is setting down

        In the other side, Bumbling Bee flying around. He so Confused. Cause the Flowers is gone. Oh, where's the flowers gone. Bumbling Bee needs the flowers. He flying around the Flowers garden.

       Suddenly, he find another punch of floers. He go back in he's nest to telling he's friend. Soon, a swamp of Bee's, flying toward to the punch of flowers. They build a new nest, in front of the punch of flowers.